"That's Better Than I ever Imagined"
Sure you wrote the words...
But have you ever been in a Movie ... a TV Show?
Have you ever stood on a stage and held 10,000 listeners in the palm of your hand?
Have you spent years honing the craft of creating visual images, and sparking the imagination...
Using only your voice?
Our Professional readers have.
Just as most screenwriters do not portray the characters they create, you may be wise to
have a Professional Voice Actor/Narrator read your book.
There are nuances of vocal pacing, pitch, color and intensity that can grab the listeners' attention
And rivet them to your words.
And our professional readers are Masters at bringing words to life and creating "Theater of the Mind" in the listener's imagination.
Our professionals can create a unique voice for your Audio Book that is perfect to communicate the words you have written. And we can create vocal variations to make each of your characters distinctive and memorable.
You may choose from one of the Professionals on staff at The Audio Book Studios.com, or we can suggest and audition readers and work with you to select the ideal voice to tell your story.
Our professionals have years of experience in Radio, Television, the live stage, Professional Sports, TV Commercials and even Major Motion Pictures.
They have dedicated their lives to the craft of communication, They
will bring your words to life with a dynamic delivery that will capture
the ear and the imagination of your listener.
Many of the voices you'll recognize:
Like E.J. Nolan - Founder of The Audio Book Studios.
EJ Nolan is the former
Public Address Announcer for The NBA Houston Rockets First Championship Season.
You may have seen him in the Disney Jerry Bruckheimer Movie
Glory Road as Judd Milton - The Voice of the Miners Basketball Team, or heard EJ Nolan in the Bruce Dern Movie "Believe in Me" as the "Finals Announcer" or seen and heard him on NBC's hit Drama
"Friday Night Lights" as the Auctioneer.
Whether the perfect voice for your Audio Book is a mature female voice, A twenty something guy, a clear-speaking, matter-of-fact narrator or someone with a regional or ethnic dialect, we have worked with the best professionals around and know how to direct them into the performance your work deserves.
Even with Professionals, The Audio Book Studio works to elicit the best possible performance.
But Maybe you have your heart set on reading your own work...
Click here to find out about having your Audio Book "Read by the Author."
Call (281)300-8515 for details.
The Audio Book Studio
2615 Sailboat Drive
Nassau Bay, TX 77058